Meetings Programme



Programme for 2024 – 05 Season

7th October 2024  AGM, Prizegiving and Lecture.

“Performance Assessment of the Poorly Performing Doctor” Maurice Hawthorne, Consultant Otolaryngolist, South Tees Hospitals and Medical Director of IODEM.


November 2024 Annual Dinner

Date and details to be Confirmed


2nd December 2024


3rd February 2025

Title to be Confirmed:   Dr Nancy Redfearn, Consultant Anaesthetist, RVI

7th April 2025 


June 2025  Summer Party

Date and details to be Confirmed






                          MEETINGS IN RECENT YEARS

2014- 2015 Season

6th October 2014

Annual General Meeting and Undergraduate Prizes Presentations, followed by:
“The Rational Optimist” by Matt Ridley

21st November 2014

53rd Annual Dinner at the Vermont Hotel, Castle Garth, Newcastle upon Tyne

1st December 2014

“Family Lore” by Professor Sir John Burn

2nd February 2015

“Blood, Breasts and Drugs” [The effect of the Consumer Protection Act (1987) on medicinal products], by Mr Stuart Brown QC

20th April 2015

PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS.  “Lawyers aren’t what they used to be”, by Jamie Martin

19th June 2015 [7.00 – 10.00pm]

Summer Party at South Shields Museum and Art Gallery.

Catering by Victorian Pantry, and wines supplied by Michael Jobling.

2015 – 2016 Season

5th October 2015.

Annual General Meeting and Undergraduate Prizes Presentations, followed by:

“The Work of the NHS Litigation Authority”, by Helen Vernon, Chief Executive of NHSLA.

27th  November 2015.

Annual Dinner at Horton Grange Hotel

7th December 2015.

“Leading the World: Professional Challenges in the 21st Century”, by Baroness Helena Kennedy QC.

1st February 2016.

“Trust me, I am a doctor”, by Prof. Ben Bridgewater, Honorary Professor of Cardiac Surgery.

4th April 2016.

“Clinical Negligence & Other Matters – A view from the High Court Bench”, by Mrs. Justice Thirlwall.

10th June 2016.

Summer Party at Newcastle Literary and Philosophical Society

2016 – 2017 Season

3rd October 2016.

“The Role of the Medical Expert in Clinical Negligence Litigation”, by Sarah Pritchard, Kings Chambers.

25th November 2016

7.00pm. Annual Dinner at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Stephenson Square, Newcastle upon Tyne.

5th December 2016.

NOTE: New start time for lectures is 6.30pm for refreshments and 7.00pm for the lecture.

“The Naked Surgeon”, by Samer Nashev, cardiac surgeon and author.

6th February 2017.

PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS.  “Decisions in the NHS – Children, Politicians and Lawyers; All At Sea”, by Leslie Hamilton.

3rd April 2017.

“Mitochrondial Donation – Challenges and Successes”, by Professor Sir Doug Turnbull.

16th June 2017.

SUMMER PARTY at Centre for Life, starting at 7.00pm.  Children and young people welcome.

2017 -18 Season.

16th  October 2017 [Note: non-standard date].

“Contested Facts: Truth or Proof” ,  Sir Mark Hedley, Retired High Court Judge.

3rd November 2017. [Note: date has been changed]

ANNUAL DINNER 7.00pm at Vermont Hotel in Newcastle.

4th December 2017.

“When Dealing with Children, Judges need ‘All the Help They Can Get’  [*from experts…but are they getting it]”, Mr Justice Cobb, Family Division Liason Judge for North Eastern Circuit.

(*as per Lord Parker LCT in DPD v A&BC chewing gum [1968])

5th February 2018.

“Lessons from the Hillsborough Inquests: each of the 96 victims as individuals”, The Honourable Mrs Christina Lambert.

9th April 2018.  [Non-standard date because of Easter]

“Supporting Healthcare in Myanmar”, Dr Ed Ong, Consultant and Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer in Infectious Diseases, Newcastle Hospitals.

 29th June 2018.

Summer Party: at Seven Stories, Ouseburn, 7.00 for 7.45pm.

2018 -19 Season.

15th October 2018. [Note: non-standard date].

A.G.M. and Undergraduate Prize-Giving, followed by:

“A matter for the Parents?  A matter for the Judge?”

[Thoughts on 30 years of the Children Act and the revival of the inherent jurisdiction]

The Rt. Hon. Sir James Munby, Immediate Past President of the Family Division.

30th November 2018.

Annual Dinner at The Biscuit Factory, Shieldfield, Newcastle.

3rd December 2018.

“Expressing Gender Diversity – a lifestyle choice or a fundamental right?  Issues of Capacity and Consent”, Dr Mike Shaw, Consultant Psychiatrist, Northern Region Gender Dysphoria Service.

4th February 2019.

“A Career in Crime”,  L J Ross; Louise Ross is a former barrister and now a writer of detective novels set in Northumbria.

1st April 2019.

PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS,  “A Perfect Storm”    HHJ Simon Wood.

21st June 2019

SUMMER PARTY 7.00pm at the Biscuit Factory, Stoddart Street, NE2 1AN.

2019 – 20 Season.

7th October 2019.

A.G.M., Prize-giving and Lecture.  “Medical Gross Negligence Manslaughter: where are we now (how did we get there) and where are we going?”    Mr Leslie Hamilton, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon.

29th November 2019.

ANNUAL DINNER.  Jesmond Dene House Hotel.

2nd December 2019.

“The Coroners Service – moving forward”,  Mr Derek Winter, DL; Deputy Chief Coroner of England and Wales and Senior Coroner for the City of Sunderland.


“A Medicolegal Nightmare”  [the David Sellu Case],  Dr Colin Mumford, Consultant Neurologist, Edinburgh

6th April 2020.

**************MEETING CANCELLED BECAUSE OF COVID-19**************

June 2020


2020 – 21 Season.


5th October 2020.       CANCELLED




7th December 2020.  CANCELLED


1st February 2021.   ON LINE LECTURE – log in details will be circulated later.

“Twenty First Century Intensive Care [Success and Dilemma Intertwined]”, Dr Joe Cosgrove, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Freeman Hospital.  Edited version is available on ZOOM  to members until June 2021 at:

[Password has been circulated to members with 1/3/2021 Flyer]

1st March 2021.  [Likely to be on-line]

“With the End in Mind – Dying, Death and Wisdom in an Age of Denial”, Dr Kath Mannix, Retired Consultant on Palliative Care.

Edited version is available on ZOOM  to members until June 2021 at:

[Password has been circulated to members with 1/3/2021 Flyer]

12th April 2021.[Likely to be on-line]

“The NHS post COVID. Recovery and what lies ahead”, Sir Jim Mackey, Chief Executive of Northumbria Healthcare Foundation Trust and former Chief Executive of NHS Improvement.

10th May 2021. [Meeting cancelled]

Professor Robert Dingwall [Postponed until 1/11/2021]

June 2021.

SUMMER PARTY  Currently Cancelled

2022 – 22 Season.

4th October 2021.

MEETING CANCELLED.  AGM postponed to 1.11.2021 [below].   provisional speaker unavailable on this date.

1st November 2021  [Extra Lecture]

AGM; Prizegiving and lecture.   “The (Mis-) Management of the Covid-19 Pandemic”, Professor Robert Dingwall, Professor of Sociology, Nottingham Trent University.

26th November 2021  ANNUAL DINNER.

7.30pm for 8.00pm at the River Terrace Restaurant, Baltic Centre for Contemporary  Art.

6th December 2021

“Defamation & Fake News”.  Magnus Boyd, Partner, Schillings International and James Wokes, Consultant Plastic Surgeon.

7th February 2022

“The Coroner and the Medical Profession in the 19th Century in Newcastle upon Tyne”, Helen Rutherford MA, LLB, Senior Lecturer, The Law School, Northumbria University.

25th April 2022.  Presidential Address.  [Note: Non-Standard Date]

MND: Lesson for Life, Society and Medicine”.  Dr. Timothy L Williams, Consultant Neurologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Clinical Neurology, Dept. of Neurology, Royal Victoria Infirmary.

June 2022.

Summer Party.

Programme for 2022 – 23 Season.

3rd October 2022

AGM, Prizegiving & Lecture

“The Regulation of Cosmetic Procedures:  Legal, Ethical and Practical Challenges”  by Professor Jean McHale, Professor of Healthcare Law at University of Birmingham Law School.

November 2022

Annual Dinner

5th December 2022

“Pandemic Blues”; by Dr. Ashley Price, Consultant. Infectious Diseases, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne.

6th February 2023

“Voices in the Courtroom [Are Young People Being Heard]”, Mr. Justice Poole, Family Division Liaison Judge for the North East

3rd April 2023

“The Devine Comedy of Contemporary Medical Social Media”; By Mr. Richard Brady, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon , Newcastle Hospitals and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University.


From 7.00pm at The Backyard Bike Shop Cafe, Hillgate Quays Gateshead, NE8 2FD.  Tickets: £25.00 p.p. are available from the Legal Secretary.

Programme for 2023 – 24 Season.

2nd October 2023

AGM, Prizegiving & Lecture:  PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS:  Angela Kirtley, Partner in Weightmans Solicitors, Newcastle upon Tyne,  – “Anatomy of a Clinical Negligence Birth Injury and my most recent Memorable Cases”.

24th November 2023

Annual Dinner; Blackfriar’s Restaurant, Friar Street, Newcastle.

4th December 2023

“Breathing Machines…Technology, Challenges and Liability in the Community”; Dr. Ben Messer & Dr. Robert Bullock, North East Assisted Ventilation Service [NEAVS].

5th February 2024

“The Development of Prehospital Emergency Care”,  Dr. Rachel Hawes OBE, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Prehospital Care, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, and North East Air Ambulance Service.

15th April 2024

“Coroners Autopsies: a Pathologist’s View”  by Dr. Nigel Cooper, Senior Lecturer in Forensic Pathology, Newcastle University.

16th May 2024

Joint meeting with Northern Coroners Society at Coroners Court, Newcastle Civic Centre.

“The Value of CT Scans in Establishing the Cause of Death” by Professor John Roberts, Consultant Pathologist , John Radcliffe Hospital and Oxford University and Dr. Nigel Cooper, Newcastle University.

28th June 2024

Summer Party – The Bridge Room, Hillgate Quays, Gateshead, NE8 2FD.  [under Gateshead side of Tyne Bridge].




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